We have a dedicated team that works on SCADA system specifically for Oil & Gas industry.
Over the 35 years span, TRC (previous called Praxis Instruments Co.) has installed
close to 500 different systems for various customers. While each system is uniquely
build for specific use, there are some common features and technical considerations
for different types of customers.
TRC offers the design and implementation each solutions based on multiple projects
experience, in today's world when technologies change faces on daily basis, TRC's
service only gets better, we believe experience build quality, and our ever expanding
customer basis proved us right.
Oil & Gas Field
TRC offers one of the best solutions for Oil & Gas field data acquisition system.
Customers in this area focus more on reliability and low maintenance. System design
weighs more on the PLC/RTU’s robustic performance on remote, hazardous areas, control
center needs to be user friendly and maintenance free. Since most Oil & Gas field
are developed in many different phases, the control system needs to be maximum expandable.
The tough part in this type of system is the site conditions. Oil & Gas field often
located in remote area where there is not much social infrastructure can be used.
Engineers often need to consider providing constant power supply to different equipment,
provide a communication system which is low cost and reliable, select equipment
that can tolerate high temperature, humidity, etc.
Long Distance Pipeline
TRC has successfully installed series of long distance pipeline projects in different
countries, it is one of the proudest solutions TRC team has developed. Getting the
best solution for this type of projects involve many factors, designer needs to
have knowledge on fluid mechanics, station control logics, and transmission system’s
bandwidth distribution. Given the nature of liquid or gas travel in pipeline, engineering
solutions to avoid water hammer, pipeline interlock logic, and pipeline leak are
all considered part of engineering work. A typical 3 levels of control (CCR, Stations,
Field) implementation is still the most common philosophy, the control center needs
to be powerful and flexible; the remote stations varies depending on the functions;
Pumping Station or Compressor Stations requires DCS like control functions and sometimes
working in parallel with a DCS system, etc. TRC also offers a disaster recovery
solution to add more security to the system.
Offshore Platform
TRC’s solution for platform data control has been successfully tested over 15 years
of operation. The challenge to build a system for offshore platform focus on efficiency
of maintenance. Travel between platforms are one of the biggest expenses customer
has to pay, a maintenance shut down in platform operation will cost customer dearly.
TRC’s solution on platforms minimize the engineer’s travel time, and system upgrade
wouldn’t need any sort of shutdowns.
Oil & Gas Tank Farm
Since year 1996, TRC has built different types of Tank Farm control systems for
different storage purposes, these systems fit Crude Oil, LPG and LNG.
TRC’s solutions for Tank Farm Storage features open system structures, it communicates
with SAAB Radar Tank Gauging System, Fire & Gas System, Loading Dock Systems, Electronic
Custom Clearance System, etc. The solution gives the maximum efficiency to the operation
management to integrate data from different systems into one database, create customized
applications for specific purposes with ease.